Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Today at Woolsworth, I shopped more than 15kg of foodstuff taking around a trolley (I am having many firsts since I came here). And I am really having a go at the non-veg things available here- Kangaroo, Beef, Lamb, Turkey, Duck, and some sea fish as well. Octupuses and squids are available as well, but well I think I should take things a bit slow. (Some people might be interested in the costs of the stuff I bought. So I am posting the bill alongside.)

The smiling guy (the twist in the smile might be my imagination as well) at the counter put the stuff in 5 packets and realization dawned upon me that it was not going to be easy at all to walk back 2.5 kilometers. It was a competition between my fingers and the packets – which would give way earlier. When I started resting every 10 metres or so, I had no way but to take a cab. Very cosy and all, but $5.60 for 1.5 kms is too much. (For those trying to figure out how much that is in rupees, the conversion factor is roundabout 40) We decided not to think in terms of INR as it would be uneasy to spend anywhere then. By the way, I saw a cheap hair cutting salon was charging $9.95. Now don’t try converting that, or you might think I’m bluffing.


  1. now you have a good and strong reason to grow your hair back , i guess no -one would interfere

  2. hehe - right, been thinking about that
