Today my day didn’t go well at all. Allison gave us to run some IMU sensors on the comps at Azmir and my stations, but we failed. The fault wasn’t ours. The serial key of one was lost. The CD of one was damaged. In another one, the RS232-USB converter couldn’t be configured. We tried 3-4 drivers - none worked. But when Allison came in during the afternoon (that too when I was not around for attending a stupid Health and Safety Induction Session.) She heard the details, and then somehow she worked around for some 15 minutes, Azmir informed me later and got everything running on my desk. She’s of course used to running those devices for ages and probably she knew exactly how to counter the probs. Anyway, amar nak–ta to kata gelo.
And that Health and Safety thing bored me to death. But it was mandatory to attend. They spent an hour speaking crap, and people had a hell lot of doubts in that too.
Before returning, I thought that I must be well prepared for the next day. I needed to learn Visual Basic pretty well, and wanted to grasp the whole thing tonight itself. So I decided to buy a modem for $49 although it would be useless once I leave Australia. And now as I try to run the net, it just refuses to switch on even though I comprehensively followed the instructions (which seems to be a feature of every Australian product. I won’t be surprised if even stuff like combs come with a user’s manual). I wanted to try out with Pulkit’s one to figure out the problem, but none of the others are back yet. Must have gone to buy some stuff. Can’t even contact them or speak to home. I too needed to buy food items. Neither am I in the mood of ‘peace mar-ing’ as Jai would say. Overall, I can’t do anything at the moment (something I am not used to) and am pretty frust.
Hope tomorrow is better.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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