Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just another incident

So this is the way the Aussies addressed my writings on them. But no, although the Aussies were definitely at fault, I wonder if it was really a racial act of violence. Anyway, thanks to the Indian media, a small incident has taken monstrous and unforeseen proportions. The fact that Indians are the second largest foreign contingent in Australia and forms about 7% of the population means that in 7% of the crimes of Australia they should be victims as well. But now a single incident which I believe was a brawl resulting from the fact that both parties were dead drunk, is being portrayed as a racial discriminatory act. Thousands of such brawls take place in our country every single day, no one takes any notice.

P.S. While going out in the city on Sunday, I saw a police car parked sideways in the middle of Flinders’ street blocking it. I asked the nearest policeman what the matter was, and yes it was an ‘oborodh’ staged by the Indian people against the act. Do they not understand what is better for them? Do they not get the point that the more they protest putting up this issue, the deeper would be the rift between the Indians and Australians? We, the four of us are into nothing of all this and yet in the streets Aussies now look at us strangely probably thinking, “Here comes the Indians.” These protests will only result in more discrimination than before.

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